Registration Required Call us to schedule a workshop for your office, family reunions, church, or any gathering.
DIABETIC WORKSHOP Best exercise, herbs that help, wound prevention and immune builders
HERBS IN OUR DAILY DIETS Herbs that help with digestion, blood pressure, weight loss, and diabetes
NATURAL SOLUTIONS Oils, Herbs, Spices, Music, Massage, and Exercise OLIVE LEAVES Learn how to combine foods to help improve your immunity HEART HEALTHY DIETS & HERBS Diets and herbs that work for a healthy heart
SUGARS AND SUBSTITUTES The fact about sugars
TO MUCH ACID, NOT ENOUGH ACID How acid levels can lead to increased infections HORMONE BALANCING Natural and Synthetic Hormones
VITAMINS AND ELECTROLYTE BALANCING Learn the facts about D3, calcium, sodium magnesium, protein, iron etc.....
HEALTHY FATS New research on the need for healthy oils NOT ALL HERBS ARE EQUAL Where herbs grow makes a difference Internal cleansers are not all the same